The Tao of Software

Friday, June 17, 2005

It seems to be the norm to write up a little introductory post when creating a new blog. As a software devleoper who takes his career pretty seriously, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to do it better. In order to do this, we need to use some kind standard definition of "better".

I define getting better at software development as:

Producing working software that meets the customer's needs, faster.

I don't want to be a code monkey who just spits out code fast to meet some business need. I want the code to function correctly. I want it to be maintainable so when I move on to my next assignment, the person coming after me can understand what I was doing and modify it without swearing at me or rewriting the thing from scratch. I want it to contain the minimum amount of code to get my feature to work while providing maximum extensibility to some who'd like it to do more. And since I get paid to write code, I only want to deliver code that delivers business value, whether internally or externally.

This blog is intended to document my quest to deliver relevant, working software quickly.